
Writing as I See Things

A Tale of Two Knives

I hate to throw things away.  I mean, I HATE to throw things away.  I was into recycling before it was even a movement.  Back then, I was “thrifty” or cheap, depending upon whom you consulted.  I have things from middle school, and when I was in middle school it was called Junior High.  Does that give you a clue?

Well, I have this knife.  I love this knife.  I’m not sure when I got this, but I know my Mom gave it me.  Where she got it and when, I can’t tell you but it is old.

It’s handle has knicks and dings, the wood is worn off where my hands have held it over the years.  It’s been a good knife and usually my go-to knife of choice.  However, over the years it has become dull at times unless I take the time to use the sharpener.  When I get it sharpened though, nothing is easier to use to cut through the thickest meat.

Over the holidays, I splurged at Williams & Sonoma and bought me this pretty red knife.  A red knife, it just caught my eye.  How pretty and it stays sharp. It even comes with its own matching cover.  I got ready to chop some veggies and grabbed, not my old standby knife, but the pretty red knife.  Guess what?  It was so sharp I was through in half the time.  Amazing.  I had gotten so used to the old one that I didn’t even notice how dull it had become.

The same is true of life.  How many things in my life have I allowed to become dull just because they are familiar?  Whether it be devotions with a new format, blogging with a new twist, reading with new vigor, home educating with a new resource or exploring guests to our church in a new light, the common sometimes needs to be refreshed and renewed.  I need to make sure that I have not allowed my life to become dull just because all is familiar.  Especially in my walk with Christ.  I need to find that “edge” to keep things sharp.

January 11, 2011 Posted by | Church, Ponderings | Leave a comment